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So far Plinivs has created 22 blog entries.



By |September 7th, 2017|events, general|0 Comments

UCCRN’s 10th anniversary

On the occasion of UCCRN's 10th anniversary, we are happy to announce an MoU signed with ICLEI -- a worldwide network of 1,500+ cities, towns and regions -- for a truly global scientific-practitioner collaboration. With our wonderful UCCRN scientists Chantal Pacteau (Paris), Reimund Schwarze (Leipzig/Berlin), Stelios Grafakos (Rotterdam/Athens), Peter Meyer (New Hope), Mattia Leone (Naples), [...]

By |May 15th, 2017|events, general|0 Comments

ESPREssO – Enhancing Synergies on Disaster Prevention in the European Union

ESPREssO aims at contributing to a new strategic vision to approach natural risk reduction and climate change adaptation, thereby opening new frontiers for research and policy making. To achieve this goal, the project structure is built upon the central role of three main challenges to be addressed in order to propose ways to mitigate differences, [...]

By |February 15th, 2017|general|0 Comments


Demostration of Santorini Pilot Case,  Snowball EU Project FP7 – Santorini, 24 February 2017 agenda

By |February 15th, 2017|general|0 Comments

UCCRN Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities launched at UN-HABITAT III in Quito

The Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) has launched the Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3-2) at United Nation Conference Habitat III in Quito on October 20th 2016, within the session "Science for Cities-Urban Stage". The book, published by Cambridge University Press and authored by over 350 individuals, it's the second in [...]

By |October 27th, 2016|general|0 Comments

Damage survey in the areas of the Central Italy earthquake of August 2016

PLINIVS team undertook a mission for surveying the damage on buildings and infrastructure following the earthquake of August 2016 in the provinces of Rieti, Ascoli Piceno and Perugia. The ctivities included the collection of data for the compilation of MEDEA and Aedes technical sheets in order to improve the correlations between the mechanisms of damage [...]

By |September 21st, 2016|general|0 Comments

PLINIVS got funded its first Horizon 2020 project!

The project REACHING OUT (demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU), which involves 26 EU partners, has been presented in answer to the call topic "Crisis management: Demonstration activity on large scale disasters and crisis management and resilience of EU external assets against major identified threats or causes of crisis". Effective [...]

By |September 21st, 2016|general|0 Comments

PLINIVS Team publications

Visit Giulio Zuccaro's ResearchGate page Visit Daniela de Gregorio's ResearchGate page Visit Mattia Leone's ResearchGate page Visit Sergio Guarino's ResearchGate page Visit Filomena Dato's ResearchGate page Publications list 2018- Articolo in rivista. D'Urso, M.G.,  Masi, D., Zuccaro, G., De Gregorio, D. Multicriteria Fuzzy Analysis for a GIS-Based Management of Earthquake Scenarios. Computer-Aided Civil and [...]

By |September 11th, 2016|publications|0 Comments

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Il cookie è un piccolo file di testo che viene salvato sul computer di chi accede a un sito web allo scopo di registrare informazioni relative all'accesso. La normativa segnala la differenza fra i cosiddetti "cookie tecnici" (utilizzati per mantenere la sessione di navigazione o facilitare successivi accessi dal medesimo dispositivo) e i cookie di profilazione adoperati in genere per la somministrazione di contenuti pubblicitari profilati. E' importante ricordare in ogni caso che i cookies possono essere rifiutati adoperando le preferenze del browser di navigazione.

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