Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency H2020-SC5-2016-TwoStage Urban areas and traffic infrastructure linking such areas are highly vulnerable to climate change. Smart use of existing climate intelligence can increase urban resilience and generate added value for businesses and society at large. Based on the results of FP7 climate change, future internet [...]
Decision Support System, EU Project
Enhancing Synergies for disaster PRevention in the EurOpean Union - DRS-10-2015 Giulio Zuccaro Project Coordinator for AMRA S.c.a r.l. The ESPREssO project addresses the topic DRS-10-2015: Disaster Resilience and Climate Changetopic 2: Natural Hazards: Towards risk reduction science and innovation plans at nationaland European level. ESPREssO aims at contributing to a new strategic vision [...]
Decision Support System, EU Project, Seismic Risk
demonstRation of EU effective lArge sCale tHreat and crIsis maNaGement OUTside the EU H2020-DRS-2015 Effective EU support to a large external crisis requires new approaches. In response to this challenge and to identified user and market needs from previous projects, Reaching Out proposes an innovative multi-disciplinary approach that will optimize the efforts, address a wide [...]
Decision Support System, EU Project, Hydrogeological Risk, Seismic Risk, Volcanic Risk
Modelling crisis management for improved action and preparedness - FP7-SEC-2011-1 (as a research unit of AMRA S.c.a r.l.) The CRISMA project shall develop a simulation-based decision support system (Integrated Crisis Management System - ICMS), for modelling crisis management, improved action and preparedness. The ICMS shall facilitate simulation and modelling of realistic crisis scenarios, possible response [...]